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Career Path Certifications

Skilled Now provides comprehensive career-track training and certification programs that prepare job-ready individuals for success in the 21st century workforce. With the expert guidance and participation of workplace practitioners, adult educators, and instructional designers, the learning experiences are robust, interactive, practical, and job-based.

Career path certifications integrate people skills that are critical to long-term career achievement. The standard includes the top, most in-demand skills employers demand, such as listening and communication skills, team play, problem-solving, organizational skills, conflict management, adaptability, diversity and inclusion, accountability, and professional ethics.
All courses lead to career certification.

Validating job skills competency is a core component of SN programs. Career professionals gain prestige and career advantage in today’s competitive marketplace by earning the SN Certified Professional Awards.
Verify the competencies and skills achieved through years of work experience by taking the career path certification test.

Administrative Support

Certified Administrative Assistant will be job-ready for an entry-level position as an administrative assistant as defined in the SN Standard Job description.

Customer Service

Certified Customer Service Professional will be job-ready for an entry-level position in customer service as defined in the SN Standard Job description.


Certified Marketing Specialist will be job-ready for an entry-level position in marketing as defined in the SN Standard Job description.


Certified Sales Professional will be job-ready for an entry-level position as an outside sales representative as defined in the SN Standard Job description.

Talent Development and Human Resources

Certified Talent Development Specialist will be job-ready for an entry-level position as a talent development specialist qualified for talent attraction and selection as defined in the SN Standard Job description.

Small Business Ownership

Certified Small Business Owner demonstrates the readiness and ability to open and manage a sustainable small business and manage the responsibilities of a business owner as described in the SN Standard Job description.

Workplace Professionalism

Certified Workplace Professional credentials indicate the professional has the primary competencies, skills, and knowledge required in the workplace.