// test delivery

Simple. Secure. Turn-key.

Skilled Matrix supports both proctored and un-proctored test environments.  Proctored tests are standard practice for in academic, medium- and high-stakes exams lead to a certification or qualification. Proctoring increases test credibility by making it harder for a test taker to cheat or to copy exam questions they could pass onto others. 

On-site Proctor
On-site Proctor
Proctor individual test takers in your own test center. Secure test delivery tools prevent copying, printing, screenshots, or task switching during the test session.  testing. Proctors can start, pause, un-pause, and stop tests for an individual or group and monitor progress. Built-in warning mechanisms can trigger auto-freezing of the test session and alert proctors if any abnormal test behaviors occur.
On-line Proctor
On-line Proctor
Our online proctor allows a unique, secure, confidential,
one-on-one test environment. The system issues fully
proctored tests to test takers from the convenience of
their office, home, or testing lab. The online proctor uses
many built-in mechanisms, controls, and web cameras to
validate ID, monitor test behaviors, and guarantee reliable test results.

Skilled Matrix supports both proctored and un-proctored test environments.  Proctored tests are standard practice for in academic, medium- and high-stakes exams lead to a certification or qualification. Proctoring increases test credibility by making it harder for a test taker to cheat or to copy exam questions they could pass onto others. 

// our services

Test taker results and verification in real-time

No waiting on results. Deliver great customer service with on-line, real-time test results.  If you deliver offline tests, the results are delivered as soon as you re-establish the online connection. Successful test takers earn immediate recognition with unique digital certificates and badges, customizable to match your brand. 

// Our services

Test Delivery Features

Secure desktop application

Secure delivery of selected test to a local PC to maximize medium stakes test security. 

Deliver tests multiple ways

In proctored test centers, with Online Proctors, and un-proctored settings all in one platform

Secure online delivery 

Prevents copying, printing, screen shots, or task-switching during medium-stakes testing.

Flexible, secure delivery options for both official certification tests and practice tests

Deliver certifications to the desktop app. Deliver practice tests online through a mobile device or standard web browser. 

Role-based security

Allows multiple levels of permissions for test authors and test administrators.

Easy-to-use, administrative tools 

View, add, change, and deactivate access privileges for test takers, administrators, and proctors efficiently and quickly.

Restrict access rights by menu item or function

Restrict administrator access to certain reports and sensitive data

Eliminate duplicate effort for simultaneous test takers

Auto-sensing and auto-sizing delivery let you publish a test one time and deliver to multiple devices automatically. 

On-screen whiteboard

Allows test takers to use a scratch pad and drawing tools during the test.

Deliver uninterrupted test sessions connected with the Internet

Test results are delivered immediately upon test completion or upon administrator approval.  If the Internet disconnects during a test session, the test taker connected through the desktop app can continue the test session uninterrupted. Receive test results immediately with the online reconnection or administrator approval.

// Our services

On-line Proctor Features

Live proctoring

Allows test proctor to take actions immediately during an exam to respond to test taker actions that violate test protocol and maintain test validity.

ID verification

Test taker identity is captured, analyzed and verified with advanced facial detection technology.

Test taker must have  a webcam that records for the entire duration of the test. Audio recording is optional.

Test taker must present a photo ID, verified live or by file scan, prior to starting the test

Single test session

Test taker must complete the test in one sitting; any disconnection ends the test

Lockdown security

Prevents internet navigation, use of mobile devices, screen captures, printing or sharing. These are test administrator options.

Capture and  record the full desktop  screen  for the  entire  duration  of  the  exam.

Three screen settings - lenient, moderate, severe - to limit or prevent access to other websites or applications. Set time limits that determine when a test taker violates the test conditions and is automatically removed from the test

On-screen calculator

Embedded calculator allows test takers to perform basic calculations, as necessary

On-screen whiteboard

Allows test takers to use a scratch pad and drawing tools during the test 

Contact us to discuss your testing hosting requirements