// question types

Get creative and increase test effectiveness

The wide variety of question types and styles help you more accurately assess the test candidate’s knowledge, skills, and competencies. And, they engage the test taker. Don’t leave them plodding along through a test with the same question style. They’ll thank you for it. 

With the unique and varied question styles, you can write questions that test memory, interpretation, and concept application. Use words, images, and sounds. Map to competencies. Embed Bloom Classifications with each question. All built in. 

Using Skilled Matrix reports, you know which question types are working well, which ones you need to revise, and which ones to retire.

Remember, we can help you customize question types to suit your requirements. Just Ask!

// our services

Standard question types

// Question Types

Multiple Choice, Single-answer Question

These questions allow the test taker to select one and only one answer by clicking the radio button next to that answer. 

Format: Radio button

// Question Types

Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer Question

These questions allow the test taker to select one or more answers by clicking the radio button or check box next to each selected answer. You can associate the response feedback to the test taker with specific answers or with the question as a whole.

Format: Check Box

// Question Types

Graphic Association

This question type has the test takers draw a line between images beginning at one point and ending at the correct spot in some prescribed way. These questions evaluate the test takers knowledge, for example, to depict a route on a map, illustrate an historical military march, connect the dots to form a missing piece of an image, and so on.

Format: Drag line acroos image, hot spot

// Question Types


These questions ask the test taker to drag and drop a marker or image onto the correct area of a background image. Drag and drop markers differ from Drag and drop onto image question types in that there are no predefined areas on the underlying image that are visible to the test taker.

Format: Drag and drop a marker or Drag and drop an image

// Question Types

Short answer

In a short answer question, the test taker types in a word or phrase in response to a question. The answer could be a word or a phrase, but it must match one of your acceptable answers exactly. Questions may include an image. 

Format: Defined Blank Field

// Question Types

Extended answer

The test taker types in a freeform response to the question, limited to the space defined by the test developer. You may choose this format to give test takers the opportunity to explain a previous answer. 

Format: Defined Blank Field

// Question Types

Select Point

When presented with an image, the test taker clicks on the area in the image that correctly answers the question.

Format: Click on image

// Question Types


This question type evaluates the test taker’s ability to match words or phrases that are associated with each other using the semantic differential approach. In the example below, the test taker rates a concept on a set of bipolar adjectives using a 5-point scale.

Format: Drag and drop defined boxes into position

// Question Types


This question type evaluates the test taker’s ability to put items in a  sequential  order. Test takers click and drag the boxes into the correct order.

Format: Movable Defined Boxes

// Question Types


From the display of two lists of names or statements, the test taker matches the items on one list with the correctly associated item on the other list. For example “Match the Capital with the Country” with the two lists “Canada, Italy, Japan” and “Ottawa, Rome, Tokyo”. 

Format: Multiple, Response, Check box

// Question Types


The test taker has only two response choices with this question type:  True or False. The question content can include an image or html code. If the correct answer for a question is “False,” and the test taker answers “True” (the incorrect answer), response feedback for the test taker displays the true statement when you use the immediate response test type.

Format: Check Box

// Question Types

Graphic Gap

This question type is one of the most versatile interactions. It allows test takers to define the gaps (or hotspots) on an image by dragging a set of source text or images into the proper positions.

Format: Drag into position on image

// Question Types

Hot Spot

When presented with an image, test takers click on the area in the image that represents their response to the question. For example:

Anatomy: Locate parts of the body.

Geography: Locate areas on a map.

Foreign Language: Select image that matches the word

Format: Click an image

// Question Types


Test takers rate an item or statement on a numerical scale by dragging an interactive slider into the selected position. 

Format: Drag bar along a scale

// Question Types

Hot Text

The hot text interaction gives test takers the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge by selecting a specific word or phrase, among several selections within the body of text. For example, the test taker may select a grammatically incorrect element, identify the main character in a story, select a capital city by clicking on the appropriate radio button within the text. 

Format: Multiple Select, Radio button